
Granada, Masaya, San Juan del Sur - Nicaragua

When I arrived in the beautiful colonial Granada after a long journey (4 buses), I walked a lot through the city to arrive to a horrible place (an illegal hostel) that I left straight away. Then I walked again for half an hour with my heavy backpack to finally find, by accident, the hostel De boca en boca. Right next to the Merced church,  this hostel/restaurant is owned by a young french guy from Lille and his guatemalteque wife. They opened 1 month ago and are pretty nice! the place is clean and cheap, restaurant is good, though too expensive. An opened kitchen and some hamacs are still missing...
This is the Merced church

El palacio nacional

La catedral

El parque central

Granada is located on the coast of the huge and beautiful Lake Nicaragua. On the lake the Ometepe island seems to a very nice and relaxing place to stay a few days. I will go later, when I will head to the south east of the country (islas de Maíz,  San Carlos) on a boat all across the lake.

Near Granada there is the city of Masaya and its volcano in activity. I decided to go there on my own, since it is supposed to be easy to get to. I had a lift to the entrance of the volcano park, by the owner of the hostel who was driving to Managua.
I paid the entrance fee and started to walk up on a road... After 15min I was hot, tired and bored!! I definitely hate walking/trekking alone, when it s only trees, birds and rocks around! When a car appeared on the road, I hitch hiked (for the first time! Ah ah). A car took me to the crater where I could enjoy a nice view on the lake and on the impressive crater too.
I asked some people heading to their car if they could give me a lift. I had a lift to Granada directly, via the city of Masaya which is quite pretty, with a very nice family from Honduras! Was perhaps better than the volcano itself.

Walking through the city of Granada, having random conversations with people, getting lost in the market, trying the local dish called vigarón - yuca, salad and... chicharrón! (Chips of pig fat! York!!!) - reading in nice cosy and charming café in colonial houses, trying the local chocolate (eating all the samples and not buying!!)... This is the enjoying touristic life in Granada!
Little kiosk on the parque central

El vigarón

El chicharrón (in the market)

Le boudin! 

The 2nd or 3rd day, Nico, a hostel mate from Germany living in Costa Rica as a guide invited me to join him on a motobike trip to San Juan Del Sur trip for the day! Yeay!! I got to see San Juan Del Sur the best possible way! 2 hours to go there via Rivas. We had some rain but it was all right.
We ate a grilled fish on the beach. Then we rode up on a little mountain where a Christ statue is facing the city since 2009. The view is stunning.
On the way back we stopped on a nice beach with no tourist... and no human beings actually...just birds, crabs and dogs. It was really nice and peaceful.
On the way back, we changed road and went through the countryside. We stopped under a tree full of howler monkeys! I was having a private tour! Thanks Nico!! He also explained me that the local cows with big ears are of a special breed (brahman) from hot countries. Their big ears help them get rid of the body heat! Through blood circulation... don't ask me more!

San Juan del Sur


La playa Marsella 

Nico, mi adorable private guide

The howler monkey

Surprise surprise! They have rickshaws here!

Back in Granada, my dear trek compañeros living next door from me in Paris,  Raphaëlle and Rémi, who had just come back to Granada from Omotepe, joined us for a great dinner at my hostel. Awesome pizza and great talk!!

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