I have to say, this trip is taking me years in the past, as I was in my twenties, traveling in India, Peru, Mexico. .... and staying in youth hostel. Last time I staid in a dorm was... I can't even remember! At least 7 or 8 years ago.
Anyway, today, officially, I bring up the average age of the youth hostels! Non officially... I have the age they give me! It seems that 28-29 works fine so let's travel younger . Not easy to hide my wisdom and experience but I try hard to fit! Drink beer (it s cheap and you can toast with it), pretend you love the music playing(metal and electro)*, cook your meal in the kitchen, read your Kindle and relax in the hamac... and share your good traveling tips!
For those who have never staid in a youth hostel, here are some tips:
- wisely chose your bed! You want to be close to the fan, far from the light, not too visible... When people come in the room you don't want them to see so too much of your underwear while you're sleeping.
- chose the room far from the bar and the lounge area! Too noisy.
- avoid walking bare feet in the bathrooms!
- use the locker in your room for your valuables. Even if you (think you can) trust everyone! That's a good habit to take...
- Never tell that you've just sold your café! You will betray your age... and your wealth!
- be open and open minded!
- Never unpack too much or at least, don't spread too much! It is so easy to misplace things ! Right Mylene?
Feel free to add your own tips!!!
Anyway, the Albergue of leon is pretty nice! See the pictures...
*Music can also be awesome in youth hostels! A good way to discover cool international stuffs.
Oui et bien, on fera le compte de toutes les choses que tu auras perdues ou oubliées au bout d'un an! :p